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Bible Study

What:  Bible Study
When: Sundays, immediately after worship and coffee time
11:15am – Noon



The after-church Bible study is a time for anyone who wants to stay to dive into conversations about, well, the Bible. While the Bible study is based on the passage we are reading for the day, often we will talk about things only tangentially related to the chapter we’ve read, especially when someone has a question. We’ve talked about heaven and hell, divorce, raising children, and much more — and the Bible has a lot to say about these topics. Talking through questions and issues that people have is one of my favorite things about our Bible study.

We have just gotten through 1 Corinthians and are starting to study Hosea, a minor prophet who lived around 700 BC. His book is 14 chapters long, and we read one chapter every Sunday. God commanded Hosea to marry a woman, Gomer, who was unfaithful to him. She ended up having two children who were not Hosea’s, and Hosea is understandably angry. However, God tells Hosea to redeem Gomer from the men she was living with, to love her, and to be the father for her children. This is meant as a picture of God’s love for His people. We, God’s people, are unfaithful to Him — often, we care more about what we want than what He wants, and we act like it — and while our sin can have serious consequences, God still loves us and wants us to come back to Him.

Everyone is welcome to the Bible study, even if you haven’t come recently — because it’s not a formal study, you won’t be lost or confused, and we would be happy to talk about any Bible questions you might have. Hope to see you soon.


Alex Zebutis – Bible Study Co-Leader